Tuesday, 13 May 2014

'...is safer and stronger'

Thursday 1st May the Safer City Partnership hosted the ‘…is safer and stronger’ workshop. Several scenarios were explored during the group discussions following a series of short scene setting presentations.

PwC, KPMG and Deloitte all kindly started the morning off by presenting scene setting information around global megatrends, business resilience, infrastructure resilience and changes in threats, security and criminality.

The scenarios were as follows –

1. Security threats and crime trends
- How will new security threats change the way people behave and interact with one another?
- How will these changes be impact on the fabric of the City?
2. Business and community resilience
- How will the change in the way businesses operate impact on the sector resilience?
- How will our communities use data and new technologies to take ownership of their risks?
3. Infrastructure resilience
- How will we cope with new vulnerabilities that arise from a more complex interconnected City?
- How will our infrastructure absorb the shocks from extreme severe weather events?

Interesting conversations were had around the need for a flexible, lean adaptive workforce; to move away from short-term plans/investments and towards the idea of ‘long-termism’; to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of younger and older generations and the need to use them to a company’s benefit; and many other aspects.

The next and final workshop focusing on ‘..is vibrant and culturally rich’ will be hosted by the Museum of London on Tuesday 27th May. If you would like any further information please send transportandsustainability@cityoflondon.gov.uk an email or comment on the blog and we will get back to you.

Please view the video from the session. 

Undeniably, lots of fascinating and thought provoking discussions took place at this workshop which can link to the other City Together Strategy themes. Not long know until the results will be presented at the City Resident’s Meeting at the end of June. Get in touch if you’d like to attend! 

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